
Pedal to Empower with World Bicycle Relief

At ProBikeKit we are firm believers in encouraging more people to cycle. Whether you pop to the shops on your vintage Chopper or cross the Sahara on a fat bike, more people on bikes makes for a better world all round.

But bikes can be more than means of minor errands and epic adventures. It’s likely that, virtually everyone that’s ever ridden a bike will recall the sense of freedom it offered. As a child, access to a bike meant you could explore far-flung places—like the street a few roads away—and you could make it home without paging mom and dad. In parts of the developing world, a bike can mean more than this though. A bike can mean being able to access education, health services, goods, and markets.

It’s for this reason, we would like to bring to your attention that this weekend (03–05 June) is your chance to participate in “Pedal to Empower”. Pedal to Power is a global event, hosted by World Bicycle Relief (WBR). The aim is to get as many people as possible out riding bikes and contributing to WBR’s target of collectively cycling 1,000,000 kilometers. All the while, raising awareness of WBR’s mission of empowering women and girls across the world, through bicycles.


The event, which aligns with World Bicycle Day on the 03 June, can be participated in anywhere. Collectively, WBR hopes to reach their target of more than 1,000,000 kilometers cycled. But it doesn’t matter how you take part: whether you ride 10 kilometers or 100 kilometers, alone or with a group, it only matters that you do take part.

As well as being an excuse to get out and ride your bike—as if one was needed—Pedal to Empower has an important purpose. Through the power of collective cycling, WBR hopes to increase its impact in the communities in which they work. They are specifically aiming to raise awareness of the cultural obstacles that hamper women’s and girl’s access to education, employment, and services in developing regions. It is for this reason that WBR directs 70% of their bicycles to women and girls.


World Bicycle Relief is a non-profit organization that partners with communities in developing countries to deliver their distinctive Buffalo Bicycle. The bicycles act as a tool to create opportunities for the people that ride them, as well as their families and communities. These tough and capable bicycles help to provide students, health workers, and entrepreneurs access to education, markets, health facilities, and vital services. To date, over 642,000 bikes have been delivered to those in need.


How can you get involved, you ask? It’s easy. You can be involved from wherever you are and at any time. Simply register at Pedal to Empower. You should also:

  • Join the Strava challenge
  • Post an image on social media:
    • @WorldBicycleRelief
    • #pedaltoempower #powerofbicycles

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Writer and expert